Rolling Stone:
Greta Gaines, “Empty Spaces”
Former world snowboarding champion Greta Gaines is back with the new album Pale Star, her first musical release since 2017. One standout track is “Empty Spaces,” which Gaines penned in honor of her late collaborators Bucky Baxter and Rick Will. “Can’t go home without you there, it’s just not fair,” Gaines sings in a clear tone reminiscent of Aimee Mann, while the music blooms from a sturdy folk-rock arrangement into a psychedelic swirl of pinging keys and brass. It’s a cavernous sound that reverberates with the ache of loss.
Garden & Gun:
The singer-songwriter and passionate angler honors her late collaborator on her first album since 2017
A top-notch angler, champion snowboarder, television host, and Nashville singer-songwriter, Greta Gaines doesn’t fit neatly into any one category. And neither does her music. While she’s a veteran of the early-90s alt-rock scene, her more recent work blends her grungier roots with country-leaning sensibilities, highlighting her strong vocals atop stripped-down instrumentals that let her lyrics shine.
Americana Highways:
Greta Gaines - Pale Star
There are certain albums that proclaim at the very start that they have every intention of going all the way, down to the core of the human spirit, and find a way to bring back the visions they find there to share them with the world. Greta Gaines is no stranger to going all the way. Whether it’s snowboarding or singing, or any of her many other pursuits, it’s like this human is on an unstoppable trip to the outer limits. And Gaines’ new album reflects all her accomplishments as well as the courage she has of not turning away from a challenge.
With a voice that reflects the most soulful side of modern life, she is able to mix genres in a way that really hasn’t been done before. Gaines clearly is walking a road of her own discovery, one that is filled with victory as well as near-defeat, and the way that extra depth sinks into everything she does gives her an X-factor that is unmistakable. She stands up to what the tragedy of the past 16 months has delivered, and does not fail to offer the hand of hope no matter what.
The singer-songwriter knows that from loss comes new life, and that the only way to overcome the sadness is to look for the light. Greta Gaines is truly a spiritualist, and sounds like she is still just getting started. Follow her there.
– Bill Bentley

Velvet-lined heartache and subtle twists on country chic empower, Whiskey,” as 4x4 fantasies and down home dramas unfurl dark, tantalizing roots. Swaggering and galloping between temptations and addiction, Gaines’ rootsy revisionism seduces like tight jeans and steel-tipped boots - a little danger stirred into an inviting stew of solid chops and shiny, baited hooks.

Gaines has seen more success than many to be sure, with her music licensed to numerous television shows, appearing in movie soundtracks, and seeing some nice success on satellite radio. On Lighthouse & The Impossible Love Gaines she churns out another batch of good tunes that deserve to be heard

The title on Greta Gaines's business card is nothing short of a manifesto: "Rock Star Snowboard Queen Coming to a Town Near You." And the go-getting Ms. Gaines has the goods to back it up. She won the first Women's Snowboarding World Championship in 1992 and founded Wild Women Snowboarding Camps shortly thereafter. Now retired from professional competition, the rock star Gaines is shredding her way to a stage near you.

A Salute To Glen Campbell featuring Glen Campbell, Raul Malo, Jesse Dayton, Jason Ringenberg, Chuck Mead Jim Lauderdale and Dave Gonzalez.
Later that night, look for Greta to make an appearance at the closing night Hootenanny where there will be FREE fried chicken and waffles. Other performers include Shurman, Anne McCue, Travis Howard, Keith Gatis, Those Darlins Along with house Band - The Sin City All Stars.